Sunday, November 27, 2016

Simple GSON example


GSON is an open source Java API for serializing and deserializing JSON objects from and to Java objects, developed by Google. A purpose of this article is to provide a simple example how to use this library.


GSON API could be found at maven repository. You can add the following section in your pom.xml in order to download gson.jar


Simple Example

For this example, we need a remote storage for our JSON objects. There is a free online tool for faking JSON responses

We created simple Employee  JSON object with the following structure.

  "id": 149859,
  "first_name": "Mike",
  "last_name": "Gonzalez",
  "date": "11/23/2016, 9:11:04 PM",
  "photo": "",
  "married": true

This JSON structure can be accessed via next link

We also need a class that will represent our Employee JSON object:

As we can see, naming conventions for JSON object and Java object are not the same, so we cannot use default GSON deserializer. For that purpose, we need to create a new class that will implement our logic for deserializing.

And finally, code for main class:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, i have a complex one can you do an other example?
